Thursday 7 June 2012

The End of the Dukan Diet - Consolidation Phase Week 14

It's been months since I last updated on the progress of the diet. The good thing is, I have not put back on the weight. My current weight now hovers around 56-57kg. I have not been a good girl last week. Did not go gym at all. So maybe I am 58kg now. Scary to think how the weight creeps back on without you realising it.

I love being a size small/medium. Without sounding boastful hopefully, I think I now look good in almost everything I wear. Well, at least better than before.

I am into the LAST WEEK of the dukan diet. It has been a 6-month journey and I am amazed at how well I have grown accustomed to it. But that's really because this diet is wonderfully designed to make it achievable. By the time I reach the consolidation phase, I could start to eat the foods I craved albeit once a week. That and the pasta servings increase to twice a week by the half-way mark in this third phase. This diet is now easy to maintain as part of a normal lifestyle. Being weight conscious now has also made me observe women on the streets - and I am starting to see a pattern of overweight women. At any one time, walking down Robinson Road (the business district of Singapore with large concentration of office workers) during lunch time, I would see at least 2 - 3 Large to X-Large women. It is difficult to be a Small to Medium size here in Singapore. Almost every mall now has a basement food hall. Ice cream, donuts, confectionaries have set up shop here. Walking through the food hall, you will be attacked by tempting smells of freshly baked breads, waffles, pancakes and other gluttonous sins.

It is with certainty that I will put back on weight once the consolidation phase is over. So I have decided that the consolidation phase is what I will do for life. There will be no Phase 4 where I eat "normally" for 6 days and eat pure protein low-fat for one day a week. "Normal" in Singapore is way too high in calories. And I am not about to work-out 6 days a week at a gym. Especially not when I have cancelled my gym membership as part of my save-money drive (that's another story for another time). Having some food rules would help. That's essentially what the consolidation phase is: two celebration meals and two servings of pasta/carbs (preferable whole grain). Do I feel like popping one of those lemon cream cupcakes into my mouth? Sure. After all, I wasn't super sized before for no reason. Super size people like me are generally foodies. But on some days, I am not allowed to eat the cupcake. Every Wednesday and Sunday now, I have a celebration meal. On these occasions, I can eat a cupcake, or two...

"Food economy", as I would like to call it, has also helped me instill discipline in the consumption of other things. I now take bus/train instead of cabs and cut back on excessive clothing shopping. It's a powerful thing when you realize the level of determination you are capable of. I even took my success in keeping food away and applied to my bad smoking habit. Haven't touched a stick in three weeks now :)

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